The Kunstverein Braunschweig is presenting the exhibition Träume und Komplizen (Dreams and Accomplices) from September 4 to November 14, 2010, in the Remise. Andrea Faciu already enjoys international acclaim: at the last Biennale in Venice, she presented an installation in the Romanian Pavilion.
The Munich-based artist (*1977 in Bucharest) primarily creates installations using video and sound. Language is her preferred medium, which she implements playfully, poetically, insistingly, imploringly, or suggestively. The artist frequently stages sensory perceptions as mediators between the outside world and the Self, as subjective filters of the environment. In Touching the City she attempts to gauge an entire city, running her fingers over the surfaces. The artist examines visual perception haptically and by means of video leads it back to the level of the visual.
Andrea Faciu often produces auditory depictions of her world of thought accompanied by fragmentary and concentrated or repetitive images. Her voice creates a haunting intimacy. The quadraphonic sound piece Träume und Komplizen (2010) was produced in close collaboration with the composer Guillaume Blondeau for the exhibition in Braunschweig. It strings together associatively momentary sensations and shreds of thought, nightmarish or dream sequences of everyday noise and movie soundtracks suggestive of Dada. Erratic and fragmented and yet poetic, the work simulates mental automatisms, much like the stream of consciousness introduced by James Joyce in Ulysses. The exhibition space itself is submerged in a diffuse twilight: ceiling-high fixtures covered with a transparent nonwoven fabric muffle both the incidence of light as well as the sounds. The visitor is afforded the opportunity of completely immersing him- or herself in a different identity.
In the video loop Sketch for a Caught Vision (2010), stroboscope-like visual axes based on the artist’s eye are displayed, a kind of contemporary interpretation of the “visual ray theory” of antiquity, when vision was still considered an active gauging of the environment. The artist’s view of the world, seen from another perspective. At last year’s Biennale in Venice, Andrea Faciu represented Romania with an installation: an interplay of clay and construed nature—a principle that will also be incorporated into the spatial conception in the Remise.
Träume und Komplizen is a dual exhibition whose second part can be viewed at Junge Kunst e.V. in Wolfsburg.